Saturday, December 5, 2009

4200 East Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, California

Sometimes it's nice to spend a lazy Saturday afternoon relaxing on the couch, watching mindless tv. A couple of years ago some of those afternoons were spent indulging in a reality show called Welcome to the Parker.  It showed the inner workings of the Parker Palm Springs Hotel and followed the trials and tribulations of some of its entertaining staff members and guests. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who watched this show. But let's face it, on a Saturday following a crazy snowstorm, I'd rather be sitting here by the pool, basking in the warm California weather.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

60 1 Avenue West, Drumheller, Alberta

It's been awhile, so in the spirit of giving, I am sharing three places I wish I were …

It was art day in kindergarten and the day's project was all about dinosaurs. We had been learning about dinosaurs all week and in order to continue the theme my teacher gave us each a large dinosaur cutout to paint until our heart's content. She gave me a Triceratops. I wanted a Tyrannosaurus Rex. I never forgot that day (obviously). I remember standing there once my teacher had hung our finished masterpieces on the wall, wishing I had painted the purple Tyrannosaurus Rex instead of the orange Triceratops. Well the dinosaur envy continues to this day because I've never been to Drumheller but I've heard tales of the World's Largest Dionosaur that makes his home here. He also happens to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Someone was kind enough to snap a picture of Rex for me during their brief visit the other day. And in honour of the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Torch Relay he's wearing the official 2010 mittens. Glorious!

CityCentre, Las Vegas, Nevada

I'm used to the air of excitement and anticipation that builds up around this time of the year. For most it's because of the approaching Holidays but for me it's due to an actual holiday. I normally look forward to sitting in the uncomfortable chairs in an airport lounge around this time, but sadly this year I will have to find discomfort elsewhere. Instead, I can only reminisce about last year's trip to Las Vegas. Despite the freak snowstorm it was a memorable trip, fun times with great people and lots of embarrassing photos (for some more than others). If I were lucky enough to be going to Vegas this year I would definitely be checking out the city's new CityCentre. You'd find me here, enjoying a non-fat, extra-hot Caramel Macchiato looking at the latest eye candy in a city that's brimming with it.

82 Franklin Street, New York City

I usually start my morning perusing the web for jewels of inspiration because I find that it helps me start the day on the right foot. During one of my recent morning perusings I came across the work of David Wiseman and it was love at first sight! Until I can have his Collage Chandelier gracing the ceiling of my home I will have to be content with visits to R 20th Century to ogle at his work, here in the showroom.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Dumfriesshire, Scotland

This day exemplifies a classic case of ennui like no other in recent memory. In my attempt to snap myself out of my ennui induced state, I came across this clip of Andy Goldsworthy in Rivers and Tides that made me smile (he lives in Dumfriesshire). I wouldn't call myself a nature girl but I can appreciate it's beauty and sometimes it serves as a powerful reminder that you can't take thing too seriously. And that it's probably best not to build things here when it's windy.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire

I have an affinity for garden gnomes. In fact I have a droll chartreuse coloured one that sits on my desk and doubles as a lamp. I found him on my desk, when I came back from lunch one day, all wrapped up in matching chartreuse coloured tissue paper. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning and am ever so thankful to my friend who thought this happy little gnome would make a great addition to my otherwise boring desk (he's adorned every desk I've had ever since). But I digress …

Garden gnomes were first introduced to the United Kingdom in 1847 by Sir Charles Isham, who had the foresight to bring some home with him, following a trip to Germany. He placed these gnomes (they were made of terra cotta if you must know) in his garden at Lamport Hall. Apparently only one of them (his names is Lampy) has survived the test of time and is still on display here, in the Hall.

163 West Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, California

I walked into the office this morning and found an envelope sitting on top of my desk. Inside was a beautiful letter pressed thank you card! I've always loved stationary. I like to buy it just to look at it, not necessarily to use it. I've gotten better at parting with beautiful stationary especially since I'm sharing it with friends and family. The card reminded me of one of my favourite stationary destinations, Papersource. I could spend countless hours in here.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

798 9th Avenue at 53rd Street, New York City

In honour of my first blog post I thought I'd start with a place I wish I was, more often than not…

It finally feels like winter and I feel like comfort food. Macaroni and cheese to be exact. On a trip to NYC I sampled the mac and cheese at almost every restaurant I went to and the one that I still think about is the Mac and Jack at Eatery. It's definitely worth the plane ticket and the Sunday wait!